Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sometimes it's hard to just Eat Drink and LIve...

Later today Qurans will be burned. Whether in Florida or Kentucky or Kansas. And video of the burnings will be uploaded to the internet. And the world will see the America they fear. The America they should fear. The America we should all fear. A country of know-nothing cavemen hypocrites. Self appointed keepers of the flame who continuously burn themselves and those around them with the self righteous, greed driven umbrage of all things different. Accept this truth or not, should one page of Muhammad's text singe on 9/11 by American hands, everything that we claim to stand for in this country will die. There is a clear difference between freedom of speech and treason. And to be clear, the planned nazi book burnings tomorrow will serve only to undermine our government and place not only our troops but our citizens at risk. Anyone joining fire and Muslim text on the anniversary of this generation's great horror not only does our civilization and country a great injustice, they are guilty of treason. A crime once punishable by death. In the end, they may not be the ones who reap the consequences of their actions, and that may be the greatest injustice of it all.